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We will be closed for Christmas holidays from Friday 20th December to 12th January 2025. Reopen on Monday 13th January 2025

Why Wordpress?

WordPress is flexible, powerful & fully featured.

In 2020 it’s the content management system of choice for over 37% of the world’s top million websites!

We build websites you can own

WordPress is an Open-Source Content Management System (CMS) that hundreds of thousands of web development companies large and small are using as a framework to build their websites on. It’s many native and add-on features come together to create a powerful tool that allows it to be used for a variety of needs including marketing, eCommerce, portfolios, or social networking. Overall, WordPress is the best web design choice for today’s company of any size.

WordPress Updates and Upgrades

As WordPress evolves and updates, you can get those updates applied to the site we built you too! There are literally thousands of highly skilled website development specialists working on WordPress and its plugin features, making it a feature-rich, high-performance system and a true world leader. Many local and smaller website systems use WordPress as their benchmark, sourcing ideas for their own web development programmes from features they see in WordPress.

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Why use WordPress?

World’s most popular, globally supported content management system.

At Forge we believe you should own your website outright. This is why we build on the world’s most popular, globally supported and very easy to use open source website code for our web designs. The WordPress CMS also allows you to update and maintain your website from any location, anytime, without any prior programming knowledge. When planning your website, we select a CMS that matches your needs and goals, while still being fast, simple, and easy to use. Plus, because CMSs are web-based, so updates you make are applied instantly to your live website.

Don’t all WordPress website designs look the same?

In short: No. There are many thousands of layouts possible and an infinite number of colour, style and design combinations for your website design from Forge. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and your website design can influence how your company is perceived in the market. At Forge we understand the power of brands, we make sure your WordPress website design embodies the personality and image you want to portray, and leaves a lasting impression on your customers. The WordPress website designs we create are unique, customised and can be fully aligned with your overall design & marketing portfolio.

Who else uses WordPress?

WordPress is the single most popular website content management system in the world. As of August 2020 it is used by 27,021,750 live websites according to builtwith. It’s used by 37% of the world’s top one million websites, and is by far the most dominant open source CMS system available. Many companies worldwide are now using WordPress for their websites including Volkswagen, The New Yorker, BBC, Sony Playstation, Samsung, NY Times and many more. Don’t you think these brands would choose a powerful, effective, stable and highly supported CMS? They have. WordPress fits the bill perfectly. It’s also popular with many leading NZ businesses such as Escape Rentals, and Snowplanet.

Is WordPress Search Engine Friendly?

WordPress is extremely efficient for search engine optimisation (SEO) and with the addition of SEO plugins (which we include as standard) can become very powerful at gaining and keeping Google search engine ranking and compares favourably against many other systems on the market. Add SEO services to your WordPress website and you could have an advantage over your competitors right from the start. Forge will recommend additional SEO services for your site if relevant. WordPress also makes excellent use of social media compatibility.

Auckland, NZ based WordPress Developers

Local NZ developer.

Our team of WordPress developers are based in Kingsland, Auckland NZ. You can’t beat using a local NZ developer to build your website. Every day we meet with clients who are fed up with dealing with a developer who is based overseas. Aside from the frustrations of dealing with someone in another time zone who is not available when you want to talk it often ends up being more expensive than it first appears when you factor in all of your own time that is wasted from miscommunication due to language barriers and cultural differences in regard to the relative importance of aesthetics and functionality. We believe it is always better to work with a New Zealand based WordPress development company.

Thinking about WordPress?