Switching identities to deliver greater client confidence.
How we helped Kiwi Express promote a dedicated courier service that takes on the client’s branding.
Taking “client facing” literally.
The unique dedicated service offered by Kiwi Express gives clients the exclusive use of a driver and a van for as long as they want. Both driver and vehicle can even take on the client’s identity.
Words designed to move people.
Kiwi Express is more than a courier company. They become part of a client’s business.
This idea of integration is reflected in the way the headlines interact with imagery when users scroll up and down the page.
Life stories that drive the message home.
Case studies demonstrate how Kiwi Expresses dedicated offering delivers the goods across a diverse range of scenarios. And oh yes, a handy interactive tool on the website’s home page lets users change the van and driver livery to the client brands discussed in the stories.

The right direction for photos.
A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words. We made sure the photography said all the right ones by being involved at every stage of the creative process – from concept to post-production.