WordPress Web Development Services in Auckland.

Forge Specialise in WordPress Website Development, Tailored for Your Business.

We prefer using WordPress it’s the world’s most popular CMS for a reason. WordPress is easily customisable, simple to manage, great for SEO, and allows us to build unique website designs quickly and efficiently.

Our developers know PHP, CSS, HTML and Javascript inside out. Those are handy skills to have, because it means we can develop your WordPress website without being held back by the limitations of a particular theme. We have the coding know-how to build a theme from scratch or modify an off the shelf theme so it works for you, so you don’t have to change your business to fit around a restrictive website template.

The same goes for plug-ins. If there isn’t a reliable and secure plug-in that provides the functionality you need, we’ll develop a plug-in that does exactly what you need.

WordPress is open source, so you own it.

We develop your site on open source software to give you true ownership. If, heaven forbid, you decide to move your site further down the track, any competent hosting company will be able to host it, and any PHP developer worth their salt will be able to work on it.

We build custom WordPress websites too.

Often, businesses with limited budgets need to make compromises and adapt their business processes to fit around ‘out-of-the-box’ functionality provided by a website content management system, inventory management system and/or CRM.

It essentially becomes a case of the tail wagging the dog.

We say “hell no.” Budget permitting, our developers can customise WordPress to fit your business rules. Yes, a custom build is more expensive, but think of the long-term benefits. You’ll have a website that truly meets your needs and is likely to quickly achieve a return on that additional investment. We can even build headless WordPress websites!

Complex WordPress integrations don’t scare us.

Our brave developers can integrate your WordPress website with virtually any system that has an API. This is no idle boast. We’ve successfully completed integrations with a large number of different systems including; email marketing systems, ERP systems, inventory management systems, accounting systems, booking systems, rental car management systems…. You get the idea.

We’ve connected e-commerce stores to trade-me and built custom mapping solutions using Google Maps API.

In short, we can get your website to talk to any other system.

Responsive WordPress Websites.

Your customers and prospects have an array of devices at their fingertips. So of course we’ll make sure your site works on whatever device it’s being viewed on, whether it be an iPhone, an iMac or something in-between.

Speed up your WordPress website.

Our web developers can do all manner of wonderful things for your site – like make it go faster. In a time-poor world, a page speed is a must. We can minify code, properly size and compress images and convert them to next-gen image formats, add and optimise caching, set up gzip compression, and defer or lazy load offscreen images, all of which add up to a WordPress site that loads with the sort of speed users expect (and demand).

Let’s talk about building a WordPress website that fits your business.