Giving Kiwis insights on a charity’s good work
How we helped the Fred Hollows Foundation share their vision with their existing donor base.
Adding emotion to Annual Report
The Foundation’s approach to Annual Reports goes beyond the staid formula of facts and figures. We worked with the client to create a donor-centric document that balanced financials with people-focused success stories showing lives changed for the better.
Creating a well-balanced argument
The Fred Hollows Foundation has given people back their sight throughout Australia and the Pacific. It’s life-changing work that is possible thanks to the generosity of caring donors. It was our job to write copy that carefully balanced positivity and hope, while still highlighting the need for ongoing support. We achieved this through a big picture/little picture approach, talking about the Foundation’s work on a region-wide basis and zeroing in on the stories of individuals.
Talking direct about legacies
The client wanted to implement a direct marketing campaign to their existing database, inviting them to leave a bequest to the Foundation in their Will. It was our job to write and design a series of personalised mailings that thanked the donors for their past support, and explain how a Bequest to support the Foundation’s ongoing work would be a wonderful legacy to have.